Monday, October 28, 2013

James Bond Island

One of the great highlights of my trip was going to James Bond Island. It is popular place in Thailand because of the name and because of the beautiful sites. To get to the island we took a boat and it took about 30 minutes to get there.
For some who have never heard about such place in Thailand, the James Bond Island is "little" island as you see on a picture. It looks like a huge stone and it is not possible to get there unfortunately. To read about it click here. Pretty cool place for people who loves nature.

Rock City

There is a strip in Thailand where you can find many different places to go out. One of my favorite place is called “Rock City”. It is a bar with live rock music. It is legal to perform the songs of popular bands without their permission. Which was excellent, because it feels like you are at a concert of your favorite bands all at the same time.

In addition, I’d like to mention unlike in America where there are lot of laws about copyright infringement, in Thailand that doesn’t exist.


There are only two countries in a world that you can ride elephants it is India and Thailand. I think, one of the best tour in Thailand is riding elephants. It was so much exciting. Only in Thailand, you can sit on the elephants three different places. The one is close to elephant’s neck; another spot is in the char that is located on the elephant’s back. The trainer of the elephant may sit on the elephants head.

It was so scary in the beginning. We were supposed to sit on the special char. I didn't think I would have another chance to take an unusual picture with elephant, that is why we changed our location to elephant's neck. Trainer took a picture of us and gave a command "go" to elephant. Then took another picture just for fun.

We didn't expect to ride elephant sitting on his neck, we needed only picture. Probably thai-trainer of our elephant didn't understand what we really wanted. I fell like we were going to fall down couple times. thai-trainer took a picture of this too. guess he was bored so decided to make fun with tourist which were we.
The moment when fear left came latter. We saw that thai-trainer control this huge animal very easily. Who might know that elephants are extremely intelligent and smart animals. They can understand humans command in the same way a dog does.

Here is some video That was so fun! Watch =)

Some facts about Thailand

Everybody has ever heard about Thailand. It's so beautiful and weird place in the same time. I'm not going to write common information about Kingdom of Thailand. All info about this place might be founded in Wikipedia so I would like just to share my impressions from couple of my vocations to Thailand. Especially some moments that shocked me.
First of all, I'd like to mention that if you see the beautiful Thai girl it will not mean that it is the girl. The looks are deceiving in Thailand.  Some ladies have an Adam's-apple. So you cannot be certain that this is a female. 
For the most people it might be important to have a son. It is opposite in Thailand, everybody is so proud to have a daughter, but son. That is why, maybe, most boys wish to be a girl and they actually can become one in order to make more money.
There are three sexes in Thailand male, female and trans gendered. There are also three different bathrooms for every type of sex in schools. The third is for the one who is still not sure if he or she want to be girl or boy. By the age of 13 kids have to decide which sex they want to be.